• A Promising Start to the 2024 Copper River Salmon Season

    May 20

    As the 2024 Copper River Salmon season begins, there's an unmistakable buzz in the air. Cordova, a small fishing town in Alaska, transforms with excitement and anticipation, making it the perfect place to kick off the fishing season. This year, the Sockeye salmon have impressed everyone with their larger-than-average size ...

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  • Salmon, Sonar, & Sustainability: Part 2

    Aug 28

    Why should we care about salmon? Salmon form an incredible link between the nutrient-rich waters of the ocean and relatively nutrient-poor freshwater ecosystems (and their adjacent terrestrial landscapes). Salmon are anadromous, meaning they are born in freshwater streams and lakes, and after spending some amount of their young lives in ...

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  • Curry

    Jun 29

    Is there a difference between curry powder and paste? Curry powders and pastes can share some universal spices but, the flavor components of each are distinct from the other. In fact, typically these two mixtures are used to prepare different kinds of cuisine altogether. While curry powder is a staple ...

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  • Salmon, Sonar, & Sustainability: Part 1

    May 29

    Trying to get the most complete and accurate count of salmon as they migrate up the mighty Copper River can be tricky. However, the advancement in technology and the Miles Lake sonar project provides vital information to the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) for sustainable the ...

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  • NETwork Recycling Program

    Feb 20

    Sustainability and conservation are Alaskan values. The fishing families of south-central Alaska are independent, small business owners dedicated to long-term sustainability of wild salmon stocks, the environment and way of life. Our passion not only preserves our livelihood but also ensures abundance for future generations.  Gillnetting is a common ...

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  • Miso Udon with Salmon Meatballs

    Jan 6

    The food you eat affects you body, mind and soul. Here in snowy AK, fewer daylight hours and freezing temperatures can send you running for a bowl of something hot to raise your body temperature and comfort you during these long winter months. In the heart of wild salmon country, ...

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  • Fish Forest Fungus

    Oct 4

    The connection between fungus and fish goes deeper than just culinary delights. They are a part of a symbiotic cycle that keeps our forests and fisheries healthy. Salmon are a keystone species for the ecosystems in which they live. This means that all other living things depend on salmon in ...

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  • Copper River Coho: 3 Mouthwatering Recipes

    Sep 4

    Coho Salmon is distinguished by an approachable mild flavor and delicate texture. This late-season species are the last to return to the Copper River. Coho are a fall favorite that pair well with baked seasonal root vegetables and mushrooms. We’ve compiled three new Coho recipes for your fall ...

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  • Siren Song of the Copper River

    Jul 8

    My name is Iris Fletcher. I was born and raised in Homer, attended University of Alaska Fairbanks to attain my bachelor’s degree in Fisheries, Biology, and Marine Sciences, and briefly lived in Anchorage before moving (technically) back to Homer. I say technically because I currently have remote seasonal jobs ...

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  • Cooking Copper River Salmon: Easier Than You Think

    Jun 6

    It’s Copper River Salmon season! Do you need a brief refresher on how to prepare fresh, wild salmon? Here is your guide to the most popular preparation methods along with some of our suggestions along the way.

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